cafe & Club
The starting line, finish line, and fueling stop for Minnetonka athletes.
Caffeine by Simplicity Coffee
Gels, bars, hydration, recovery drinks
Indoor & outdoor meeting space
Group rides & runs with Heia
Claim your time and day of the week now!
Booking’s free — we’ll host your group’s regular meetup with espresso service, hydration, carbs, and recovery drinks.
Coffee test run
Saturdays ‘til Christmas
10:00 – 1:00
Let us know you’re interested in regular hours by stopping in!
468 3rd St, Excelsior
Our front door is a sprint from Water Street, our ride-in patio is a bunny hop over the trolly tracks off the LRT.
Product highlight:
carbs Fuel
50g carbs in one neutral tasting gel that can be taken without water, just $2 each.
There’s no excuse now: get the most from your workouts, share with friends, fuel your entire group ride, run further.